Just Cause is for the PS2 and Just Cause 2 is for the PS3
Just Cause 2 'Classics' is just a category it was placed under.
There are no zombies on Just Cause 2.
No, you can't, but you can get Just Cause 2 for PS3.
Ular Boys. The Roaches just want money, drugs, and business The Reapers are too small and not as powerful as the other factions. The Ular buys want he island and do not want the government to control it. Ulars have vehicles, Men, and they blow stuff up well. When you are doing takeovers it is easiest with the Ulars.
Just cause 2
Is just cause 2 for ps2
No, you can't be robbed in Just Cause 2.
You can download Just Cause 2 for a cost from Steam.
Once you have completed the first 2 missions on Just Cause 2, you can do what you want. So yes, Just Cause 2 does have free roam.
there are no cheats in just cause 2 as far as i can find and I've looked everywhere