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Xion is the nobody of what fragmented memory Ventus (Roxas in this part of the series) has of Aqua. YES I know she is also an experiment Vexen created but if you actually play Chain of Memories and 358 you find out she has Sora's memories and also takes Roxas' being away slowly. Now why did I bring Birth By Sleep into this? Well play BBS pay attention to all details and watch that in the special ending video Xemnas sits in the room of awakening and talks to aquas armor, the fact Ventus isn't there asleep means during KH 1 when Sora's used Riku's Keyblade to unlock his heart and awaken kairi he also sent Ventus' heart back to the body left behind in the room of awakening. Now if you beat BBS you notice when Xehanort tries to separate Terra from his own body that afterwards he loses all memory of being Terra. Same went to Ventus. He lost all memory of his past and only fragments Sora had got through to Xion, hence why she has short black hair and a face resembling Aqua's.

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Q: Who is nobody is xion?
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Is xion like kairi?

No. there was a rumor that she was kairi's nobody but she is a shadow of roxas

And who is shiom is it kairi's nobody cause i thought it was namie and how does shiom have a keyblade?

... do you mean Xion? If so, Xion isn't Kairi's nobody, Namine is. Xion is simply the result of an experiment in Castle Oblivion on Sora; she's an "imperfect replica of Sora". That's why she's able to wield the keyblade

Who is Kairi's Nobody?

No, because Naminé is already Kairi's Nobody. Xion is the memories OF Kairi that SORA had while staying at Castle Oblivion. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Sora's memories of Kairi gradually slips away as the game progesses. These memories must have bonded together to create Xion. In the end of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, Xion mentions that she must return and become one with Sora again, so, in a way, Xion is Sora's Nobody.

Who is Xion's Heartless?

Well, because Xion isn't a real Nobody, she doesn't have a Heartless. Xion is merely a puppet created from the leaked memories of Sora during the events of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

On Kingdom Hearts 358 2 days what is xion?

*Spoiler Alert* Xion is the "fourteenth member" of Organizatization 13. She is the one who was created by Sora's memories (She is NOT Kairi's nobody! In Kingdom Hearts 2, we find out Namine is Kairi's nobody.) Xion is a keyblade weilder like Roxas and Sora, because she is also part of Sora. Xemnas used Xion to make her "The real Sora" so the actuall Sora wouldn't wake from his slumber.

Where is Xion in Kingdom Hearts?

Xion is in Kingdom hearts: 358 Days/ 2.She is the fourteenth member of Orginizaton XIIIIt is nowhere, it is dead. Xion (No. i) was a replica of Roxas, a Nobody and Nobodies aren't supposed to exist. After Roxas killed it ("it" since she has no actual gender) the fake memories it made (Xion was trying to be a "real" Nobody) disappeared and faded out of everyone's memories, since she is a replica she faded away into nowhere, not even leaving a body or memories.

Does Axel love xion?

Axel is a nobody, he has no heart. Without a heart, you cannot truly love.

Does anyone remember xion?

No, probably not. When a Nobody disappears, it's just like he or she never existed.

What is Xions title?

Xion was originally the first, but last, of a series of experiments in an attempt to try and clone Sora. She was given the title 'No.1', but the experiment went wrong, resulting in the outcome being a female Nobody,and because Nobody's all need names, they called her 'Xion'.

Who are all the girls from Organization XIII?

Larexne and Xion but Xion is NOT a Nobody because she was a clone to trap Sora's memories. Larxene was the only female who was truly in Organization XIII. Xion was female, but she was just an experiment, made to be a duplicate of Sora. She wasn't even a nobody. On a side note, Marluxia was meant to be female, but the designers changed it because it could be considered prejudice to have both of the traitors be women.

Who should roxas choose Xion Namine or Olette?

Namine is Kairi's Nobody- Roxas is Sora's Nobody. Sora definitely loves Kairi. Roxas definitely loves Namine. Edit: I think Xion is better for Roxas. 1) Roxas Xion Axel are sitting on the tree like Sora Kairi and Riki (See the trio resemblance?) 2) when Roxas asked Axel about love Axel says "Love is when you spend time with someone you care about." and when Xion dissapears (She isn't dead ppl she is in Sora) Roxas says. "Who else will I have IceCream with?!" and eating IceCream with Xion was something he cared about so Roxas is basicly saying. "I love you, don't go!"

Does riku love xion?

No, Riku does not love Xion. Xion is Sora's lost memories, so he wants to help Xion to help Sora.