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Cornimer is tortimer dressed up as an acorn he comes during the acorn festivel and hesez things like ooo I'm the mysterious cornimer ooo M-Y-S-T-E-R-I-O-U-S lol

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Q: Who is Cornimer on animal crossing?
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How do you get the mushroom theme on animal crossing Wii?

on the acorn festival, get good acorns (Excluding Rotten Turnips) the give them to Cornimer. after you turn in a certain amount, he will give you a part of the mushroom theme

Cornimer is in town in animal crossing DS but there are no acorns What is happening?

Either it's too early for them to come, or you took them all already. There is a limit each day. Or maybe it's a glitch, I'm not sure.

When is there nuts on Animal Crossing wild world?

Do you mean the Acorn Festival? If so, it is held throughout the second week of October, (on the 9th) - check the Bulletin Board outside Town Hall for more details. Cornimer (Tortimer's brother) should be waiting there, too.

Will there be a Animal Crossing 5?

If there is no animal crossing 1,2,3,4....don't ya think it'd be obvious. There's animal crossing city folk for wii, animal crossing wild world for ds, animal crossing new leaf for the 3ds, but there is not animal crossing 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 OR 5

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Yes you can get feathers on animal crossing!

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You cannot get a church on Animal Crossing.

Multiplayer on animal crossing?

There is no multiplayer mode on Animal Crossing.

Is there animal crossing for ps3?

No. The Animal Crossing series is exclusive to Nintendo ONLY.

Is Animal Crossing City Folk like the original one?

No. Animal Crossing was the name of the original Animal Crossing game.

When will Animal Crossing City Folk be out for DS?

It won't. Animal Crossing: City Folk is only for the Wii. There is, however, Animal Crossing: Wild World, which is an Animal Crossing game for the DS.

What are the different Animal Crossing games for the wii?

That would be called Animal Crossing: City Folk.

How do you find out which model your Animal Crossing game is?

There are three different games of animal crossing: Animal Crossing for Gamecube, Animal Crossing: Wild World for Ds and Animal Crossing: Lets Go To The City for Wii (City Folk). There will also soon be an Animal Crossing 3DS game out soon... But anyway- you can tell which game you have by what you play it on.