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max has it on his page for 25 yellow bricks.

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Q: Who has a Lego club magazine module rank 3 on mln?
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Who has a club magazine module rank 2 in your Lego network?

see max

Who has a Lego club magazine rank 2?

if you mean module, then bendito7 has one. if you mean badge, no-one does.

How do you get a lot of red bricks on mln?

Make a lot of Lego tree modules!OR GET A.....LEGO Gallery Module, Rank 2Factory Module, Rank 2Farm Pet Module, Rank 1Farm Pet Module, Rank 2As a prize in The Rocket Game, Concert I Arcade Game, Hop Arcade Module, Delivery Arcade GameIf you are a Club member,LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 1If you are a beta tester,Pet Glitch Module, Rank 1My Lego Network Username is nathan6342 SEE U!

How do you get red Lego bricks without a tree?

Here are several other ways to:LEGO Gallery Module, Rank 2Factory Module, Rank 2Farm Pet Module, Rank 1Farm Pet Module, Rank 2As a prize in The Rocket Game, Concert I Arcade Game, Hop Arcade Module, Delivery Arcade GameIf you are a Club member,LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 1If you are a beta tester,Pet Glitch Module, Rank 1My Lego Network Username is nathan6342

How do you get Yellow Bricks on My Lego Network?

Available at Rank 3. Easy to grow in the BFF module, but more available in Club Magazine Module once you get them.

How do you get a red brick on LEGO network?

your tree Module or the LEGO Club Magazine Badge, Rank 1 i don`t know any more ways to get red Lego brick

How do you get blue bricks fast on mln?

The fastest way for me was to have a LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 2. I'm a Lego Club Member so I can have those. The second fastest way is to have a Quixotic Gallery Module MLN USERNAME: Nathan6342 (some and visit!)

How do you get red bricks on mln?

These are the normal way to earn them...You start with 50 red bricks.also the LEGO Tree Module (1 Slot, 10 per day plus 1 per 5 clicks).Factory Module, Rank 2 (2 Slots, 50 per day plus 1 per 5 clicks).LEGO Gallery Module, Rank 2 (2 Slots, 15 per day plus 1 per 5 clicks).Farm Pet Module, Rank 1 (1 Slot, 20 per 100 clicks).Farm Pet Module, Rank 2 (3 Slots, 100 per 150 clicks).If you are lucky...Hop Arcade Game (100 bricks).As a prize in Concert I Arcade Game (50 bricks).As a prize in Delivery Arcade Game (10 bricks).But If you are a LEGO Club Member....LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 1 (1 Slot, 15 per day plus 2 per click)Clicking a LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 1 gives a chance to win a Red LEGO Brick.

How do you get the Lego club magazine rank 1 badge?

U must send an apple to the robot.

How do you get blue LEGO bricks without the water mill module on my LEGO network?

There is several possible answers to this. The quixotic gallery module and the windmill module. Also clicking on a Lego club magazin module rank 2 has a chance of giving you 1 blue brick.

How do you get yellow LEGO bricks on mln?

Here are a couple of ways...Get Scrap Yard Joe's Sticker ModuleHaving a LEGO Club Magazine Module, Rank 3Having a BFF Module or being that person's "BFF"Having a Solar Collecting ModulePlaying the Hop Arcade Game or Rocket Game Module for chances to get one.My name is nathan6342 on MLN.

How do you get blue bricks fast on LEGO?

if u mean on mln then first build a water mill module for every 2 clicks you get a blue brick and also grows 10 blue bricks a day then after type in Magaward to be in the magazine club be frineds with max and buy a Lego magazine rank 2 module build it and it will grow 10 bricks and1 for every 1 click.