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He dies at the very end credits, so you don't play as anyone. Zeke sends him off on a boat and right before the credits lighting strikes and then the rolling of credits, so hopefully they'll make a 3rd one.

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Q: Who do you play as when Cole dies in inFamous 2?
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yes cole died at the end when you fight the beast in new marias

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Cole McGrath, inFamous and inFamous 2. Also Solid Snake, MetalGear Solid

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no because in 2014 they make a game called infamous second son BUT your not cole your delsin rowe

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yes there will be prototype 2 and Cole macgrath from infamous will be in it who will be voiced by Arnold Schwarzenegger this time around

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No, it's only for the PS3, sorry.

Is infamous 2 better than infamous 1?

Well, it is really a matter of opinion. InFamous is regarded as having a better storyline than InFamous 2, but their are many game play tweaks implemented in 2 that make it very fun and interesting to play. I personally found the series as a whole to be very good, but if you have to make a choice between them I would say InFamous over InFamous 2 just because starting in the middle of the story might end up making it as a whole confusing.