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you find it out people! don't just type it in and expect an answer you do the thinking!!!

but seriously, who do you give it to!!!!

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Q: Who do you give the stone bowl to?
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Who do you give the Stone Bowl to in Potropica?

the guy who is on the left of the great wall of china

What do you do after you give the dude the stone bowl on poptropica?

find all of the other stuff! dude

What person do you need to give the peace medal to in poptropica?

You give it to Lewis and Clark. there, by the way, you'll find a stone bowl on a beaver's head

Where is the stone bowl on poptropica?

You go to Time Tangled Island. Then you go to Lewis and Clark. You climb the tree all the way to the top and you have got the stone bowl!

Where do you get the bowl to give to the Chinese on Time Tangled island?

The stone signal bowl is atop a tree at the Lewis and Clark camp in 1805 AD (8 o'clock on the time device). Climb the tree and watch for the beaver (squirrel?) to pop up, as he is wearing the stone bowl on his head. Wait until he goes down, and time your jump to reach him when he reappears. Take the stone bowl to the Great Wall of China at 1593 AD (6 o'clock on the time device).

Who do you give the stone bowl to on time tangled island?

The Stone Bowl is up in a tree at 1805 AD, and should be returned to the sentry at the Great Wall of China (1593 AD, 6 o'clock on the time device). To reach him, climb up the right side, past the falling bricks, and jump left from the highest point.

What do you get in Lewis and Clacks time on poptropica?

at the top of the dead tree a beaver will have a stone bowl, popping up and down. the stone bowl goes to the great wall of china people.

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You don't give it the shiny stone, you use the stone on it.

What stone do you give to hitmonlee in Pokemon soul silver?

You don't give it a stone...

How do you get the stone bowl from the animal on time tangled island?

In 1805 AD, climb the tall tree and you will find the Stone Bowl on top of a beaver's head (maybe an otter?). To catch him and get the bowl, wait a few seconds after he disappears, and then jump. You will arrive just as he pops up. The Stone Bowl goes to the guard at the left side of the Great Wall of China (1593 AD). Climb up at right and then cross to the left.

How do you return the stone bowl on poptropica time tangle?

you get the bowl then you take it to the ancient china era. there is a man there if you look around you can return it to him.

What is a stone bowl used to make flour called?

If you are refering to the stone bowls used to hold the wheat to be ground into flour it's called a mortar the items to grind the wheat is called a pestle.