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Other ships encountered

Other ships encountered
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Q: Which of the following would not be found recorded in ships logs?
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Where would you find a felly?

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What was the main means of Greek trade?

Ships. They used ships to follow the Coastlines for trade and they would deliver amphora ( clay jars filled with olive oil, grains, figs, fruits, and wine). Historians have found wrecked ships with amphora still filled with the products the ships were trading.

Where would one typically see cargo ships?

Cargo ships are found at all points in the world as it is a global distribute of stock, merchandise and materials from one port to another. Depending on the stock and products within the ship will often depend on the destination but Cargo ships will always be found at a port.

are there gambling ships in galveston?

There are not any gambling ships in Galveston, Tx. I lived there for 4 years and would have found them long ago if there were. You will have to drive over to Louisiana for gambling. Sorry

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(Apex) The country's navy uses imported wood and steel to build its ships.

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Study the ways the Greeks recorded history [APEX]

Where can you find a list of ships repaired by USS Vulcan between 1952 and 1956?

As far as I know, that information wasn't formally recorded. Typically there were far too many diiferent ships being repaired in some capacity or another to try and keep track of all of them. Emergent work alone, typically consisting of one or two jobs per ship might include up to 20 ships in a week's time. Dedicated IMAV's may be recorded somewhere but it would seem unlikely.