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Sgt Roebuck is voiced by Kiefer Sutherland and Sgt Reznov by Gary Oldman.

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Q: Which duo are the voice talent behind Sgt Roebuck and Sgt Reznov in Call of Duty World at War?
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Who is Reznov?

Victor Reznov, he is a character in Call of Duty World at War and Call of Duty Black Ops. He is usually the one that tells you what is going on in that mission, and leads you throughout the mission.

Is reznov in call of duty world at war?

yeah in vendeta

Who is viktor reznov?

He is a character from the games Call of Duty: World at War and Black Ops. Reznov starts off as a Sergeant in World at War. He helps lead soliders to defeat the Germans in World War Two. At the end of World at War, he saves Dimitri Petrenkos life. In Black Ops, he is promoted to the rank of Captain. He starts off by serving under General Dragovichs commands. Dragovich later portrays Reznov and locks him away at Vorkuta. Reznov then helps prisioners escape from Vorkuta, in particular, Alex Mason.

What coat was Viktor Reznov wearing in world at war?

a russian leather coat

What is the list of characters in call of duty world at war?

Playable (Marine Raiders): Private C. Miller Non playable (Marine Raiders) l Polonsky Roebuck Sullivan Rooker Denny Playable (Russian): Dimitri Petrenko Non playable: (Russian) Sergeant Reznov

What actor voiced Sgt Reznov in Call of Duty World at War?

Gary Oldman

Who plays victor reznov in call of duty world at war?

Gary Oldman is the voice actor.

The Russian Commander in the Campaign name is what in call of duty world at war?

Sgt. Reznov

Is black ops the continuation of world at war?

Yes, world at war was set in WW2. Almost at the end of the campain of world at war Reznov's story begins. He gets through Germany and eventually reaches Berlin. In Black ops Reznov is involved in a Operation called 'Project Nova'. He raids a German military base and eventually gains sight of a ship that contains the gas 'Nova 6'. Dragovich wanted to see the effects of the gas. He betrayed his men and thrown them in a gas chamber. Reznov was spared the same fate because of british special forces attacking the ship. Reznov was later killed in the prison break of Vorkuta.

When was A World of Talent created?

A World of Talent was created in 1954.

Which actor voiced sgt reznov on call of duty world at war?

Gary Oldman - Use this for quiz #2 question 3

What type of coat is Viktor Reznov wearing in Vorkuta?

a world war 2 style m31 type padded russian jacket!