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It's easy. all you have to do is go to waterfall pond, silver trench, grand sea, faraway sea. water field and mt. freeze.

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Q: Where to recruit water Pokemon in red rescue team?
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Yes you can

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I believe if you look at red rescue team it is the same.

Tell Me all the Pokemon it's recruit rate friend area and where to find it on Pokemon blue rescue team?

There are hundreds of Pokemon that you can recruit in Pokemon rescue team. It would take hours to do everything. After you beat the game then you can recruit more Pokemon and buy more friend areas.

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How do you recruit Pokemon in Pokemon Blue Rescue Team?

All you have to do is defeat them and if you have their friend area they might join your team. (No promises!)

How do you recruit Registeel in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team?

You can recruit Registeel in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team but his recruit rate is 0.01 percent. Registeel can be found at the Buried Relic and his friend area is the Ancient Ruins.

What Pokemon can you recruit in dragon cave on Pokemon rescue team?

Bagon, shelgon, and salamence live there

What is the best name for the team in red rescue team?

My team name is simple "Team Pokemon" because I plan to recruit all the Pokemon I can.

How do you recruit Jirachi in pokemon Red Rescue Team?

Wish Cave 99F