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You find him in o'mels secret tunnel in rivet ravine

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Q: Where to find Brachio?
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How do you get a brachio on fossil fighters?

Brachio is in the Secret Tunnel in Rivet Ravine.

How do you beat Saurhead for the second time in fossil fighters?

I only beat two of his teams. my team was t-rex, brachio and tricera. you can get tricera and brachio in the mole tunnel.

How do you get brachio in fossil fighter?

first you have to win the whole game then go to rivet ravine and go to tunnel 4 and go almost to the back and then you will see a latter going down climb down there and walk into you see a small treasure box go past it 4 or3 time and the you will find brachio

What is the latin name for the lower arm?

I think it may be Brachio.

Where do you find the goldonite in fossil fighters?

you go to knotwood forest then go to the digadigamid.go to the 4th to nevada.beat her in a fossil battle.she has brachio,breme,and o-raptor.

How do you unlock brachiosaurus on fossil fighters?

He is in a place called Moles's Secret Tunnel hes in the Fourth tunnel Find the ladder then go to area 4 you will find Brachio Chelon and Tricera in that area

Were is the brachio fossil in fossil fighter?

You need to battle a guy and when you kill him you get the fossil.

Where can you get brachio in fossil fighters?

just email me and ill tell u where and the codes to get it i know all cheats for fossil fighters...... exept for getting an ammonite fossil

What does aopteryx transform into?

What aopteryx transformers into - nobody knows for sure...From past experience he transformed into brachio (awesome!) tro (mediocre) allo (OMG!) squik (wtf...) neo (pretty cool) apato (great!) and basically every neutral vivosaur across the board. I'm guessing it's just completely random. You see, when I battled rosie 100 times the results of transforming were this. Brachio 31 times (!) Tro 13 times (What?) Allo 5 times (Stinks!) Squik 11 times (ok...) Neo 21 times (getting good!) And Apato 19 times (cool!) Is aopteryx a brachio rigged transforming vivosaur? Don't know, but all of these guys seem to have been that would be my best guess. Oh and P.S. If you like brachio and have yet to find him, use aopteryx for just that reason or get him in the secret tunnel.

How do you get the divers watch in fossil fighters?

use coatlus rank 12,lambeo rank 9, and brachio rank 7.

Where to get all brachio parts in fossil fighters?

Type your answer here... go to moles secret tunnel and go to secret tunnel 4 and 3 digg some fossils until you find it p.s moles secret tunnel is in rivet rivine

What are the titanic size dinos in fossil fighters?

1. Brachio 2. Apato 3. Perso 4....I'm totally clueless!