to be honest no you can't get ditto on the ben 10 deluxe omnitrix
You can't ,but maybe they will have a new omnitrix in 2018 that has all the aliens that Ben 10 unlocked and used
A TV commercial said Humungousaur's code was BX10.
Although they are scarce in South Africa, they cost approx R400-00
Sorry but u can't only benwolf wildvine Ben victor upchuck cannonbolt
You can't. The Omnitrix in Ben 10 is fake.
No he can not, although the Omnitrix does seem to have limited voice-command abilities.
in his wrist
no, ben 10 does
The Omnitrix is a fictional gadget from the animated children's show Ben 10. There are only two versions of the Omnitrix.