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You don't need the wheel to knock out the guy in the sombrero.

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Q: Where is the wheel to knock out the guy in the sombrero on wild west island on poptropica?
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On the right side of the mill, next to the mud swamp.

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You click on the left tire and you will have a close up of the wheel. Click on the thingy that sticks out of it and the wheel will deflate a little. Then, the guy will be able to get his car out.

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In order too climb the Magic Tree House, push the wheel from the swing back there. The wheel is rubber, so it gives a push when you jump.

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It says turn the control wheel when defeating rat guy for poptropica on poptropica but what control wheel you cant see one?

there is a wheel on the top right corner but the mouses are blocking them so you have to jump over them

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you have to use the multi tool for a wheel to stop the fan so that sprocket can unlock the door for you. if you want to know more look on you tube:)

How do you beat the guy on power island in the bathroom poptropica?

You mean Ratman, right? Doge the rats to get to a red wheel. Click on the wheel and dung will fall on him. Get to Ratman by doging the stinging flies. When you get to him you click on him to put on the raidio-active handcofes. THAT IS HOW YOU DEFETE RATMAN! -Alex Keeny P.S. If you have anymore questions on poptropica my e-mail is

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its at the end

Where is the upper red wheel on Poptropica?

in the combintation room

How do you get out of the underground chamber on Poptropica?

Underground chambers are common on Poptropica: Early Poptropica - Using the Glow Stick (from the village well), find the Golden Egg and climb the ropes back to the surface. Shark Tooth Island - Use the word "open" (3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th symbols) to get in, go left to find ingredients and leave. 24 Carrot island - Move over the red "bottle cap" traps one at a time, and slip past the giant rat. Super Power Island - In the sewer, lower the water with the left wheel, raise it with the right side wheel. Astro Knights Island - Push through the dirt wall in Mordred's lab, enter the cell from the back way (the switch at the library entrance opens the low gate).

How do you separate the hub from the rotor on a 1978 Chevy 4x4?

REMOVE the assembly from the truck then knock the wheel astuds out then knock the hub off the rotor.