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In The tunnel leading the processing room (find on map ;) )

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Q: Where is the vent shaft on carrot island on poptropica?
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Where is the vent system on poptropica's 24 carrot island?

the factory, get the crowbar to open the vent

How do you get out of the freezer room on 24 carrot island in poptropica?

you get out of the freezer by going out the vent door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Where is the vent shaft in the carrot cake factory in poprtopica?

The vent shaft is near the processing room. It's the vent right before the processing room.

Where are the carrot ears on 24 carrot island?

in the air vent

Where is the vent room on cryptids island?

There is no vent room on Cryptids Island. There are vents on 24 Carrot Island.

Where is the room with the carrotblender poptropica?

If you go on the 24 carrot misson/island, you can go into the factory and go through the vent to find the main room. It's NOT the freezer room or the printer room. and the carrot blender's in there.

Where is the vent on Poptropica?

On The Spy Island!

What do you do when you get the crowbar on Poptropica?

go to the carrot factory and go on the other side of it and open the vent

How do you get the guy in the vent shaft in poptropica Game Show Island?

you have to use your fan to get up to the bolted door then use your toolkit to open it after you get in and chase the guy around

How do you get the blueprints on Poptropica?

On 24 Carrot Island, the vent diagram is in a window near the roof. On Big Nate Island, the school blueprint is in Nate's locker. The secret map to the Time Capsule is under a rock on Seal-Saw Island.

Where do you go when you get in the vent on 24 carrot?

You get a item the allows you to get out of the factory on 24 Carrot island. It"s like a carrot-like control.

There is a spring on the vent in poptropica's Skullduggery Island?

because to clog it