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Enter steamworks island and go left.


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Q: Where is the steam terminal for Sully's paraphernalia?
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Where is the steam battery to start the steam terminal on steamworks island?

in the trash

Were is steam terminal 5 on poptropica?

in front of sullys shop

Where is Sullys Paraphernalia and the Living Quarters in Poptropica?

Sully's Paraphernalia is just left of main street

Where is the mallet on steamworks island on poptropica?

it is in sully's steam powered paraphernalia

What do you do after you get the steam battery on Steamworks Island on Poptropica?

click use by the sullys place. I havent figured out the combination let. Someone let me know of they have.

When was Sullys Hill National Game Preserve created?

Sullys Hill National Game Preserve was created in 1904.

How do you build the mech in poptropica?

You need to get the mech steam motor and the mech crank. In a garage by Sullys is unfinished mech. Use your two mech items besides it and you then have built the mech.

What is the code for the steam terminal in poptropica?

i really don't no?

How do you get into sullys on Poptropica?

use the battery key

What to do after you get the sullys key on poptropica?

Well you go inside sullys but some robaot is going to start following you and it might help you well that's what i think lol <chispitaloverlol:P>

What is sullys birthday?

Sully was born on February 7, 1968

Paraphernalia in a sentence?

The man was arrested after the police searched his home and found drug paraphernalia. I brought my sports paraphernalia to the game