if you are referring to shadows of almia, then go underwater and find a spot that a ? appears over your head. if you ARE referring to just ranger than you can't. srry if u r. =]
you just need to be in range with a compatible wireless router or hot spot area then at main menu click ranger net.
Number 23 is Pikachu. Pikachu is basically found all over the game. They give no exact spot since it is everywhere.
Jolteon is in the wireless tower at the top by the saving spot
To use Mantine underwater, you must find a spot where '?' appears over your head, like you did with Blastoise in Vien Forest. If this is a question based on the mission where you have to reclaim the key from the Sharpedo, there is a chasm that you cannot cross to the far south. You will get a voicemail telling you how to ride Mantine when you come across the chasm. I hope this answers your question. =)
It is in the canal ruins, use suicune to get to it. It starts at the spot beside the land with politoed. (the green frog thing)
Go at the boyle volcano's right entrance and go on a torkoal use it's field move,get off at the first spot you can.It will be right there.
The Pokemon Wonder Spot was a GBA Device used by Nintendo Events.It is not used on the DS, Dsi,DSiXL.
Sally ride loved the spot tennis.
there is no best spot
It depends on what Pokemon u want
there is a partner Pokemon for every type but the three you have to choose from at first are munchlax:more powerful capture line and a longer capture line starly: make a loop for a tornado keep making loops to send tornados flying pacharisu: touch a spot to send a thunderbolt to the ground to paralyze the target Pokemon
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