The carrot farm is on 24 Carrot Island, but someone is taking all the carrots!
Through the chimney
on 24 carrot island to the left of the main street.
It is to the far left on the island, at the Funny Bunny carrot farm. (see related question)
You could get a house on Poptropica. But not a pet. To get a house you could get a house on 24 Carrot Island! It's on the carrot farm. If you complete 24 Carrot Island... you have a mystery roomate! You go thru the chimney to get in. Is that easy enough.
Go left from Main Street and enter the farmhouse through the chimney.
The mayor of the town on 24 Carrot Island will give you the Island Medallion when you complete the quest.
24 Carrot Island is the 4th island of Poptropica. It came out in June, 2008.
24 Carrot Island does not have a cockpit. 24 Carrot Island was released in 2008 and the main objective of the game is to stop the evil Dr. Hare from controlling Poptropica.
go get the cat in the old farm house and return to charlie at charlies I.N.C
At the carrot factory.
24 carrot diner isn't in shark tooth it is in 24 carrot