if you go to the time where there are snakes all around, go to the timbuktu inn. talk to the person on the 1st floor. do a puzzle and youul get the DECLARATION OF INDEPENCE.
OnTime was created in 2002.
you would just beat the answer
in the mali empire you have to do a puzzle for him first -brianna
He's in the White House, but I forgot the guy. Try everybody.
The Graff House is where Thomas Jefferson stayed while writing the Declaration of Independence. On Time Tangled Island it is at 1776 AD, or 7 o'clock on the time device.
The Graff House is where Thomas Jefferson stayed while writing the Declaration of Independence. On Time Tangled Island it is at 1776 AD, or 7 o'clock on the time device. When you bring the Declaration of Independence back to Thomas Jefferson, the salt rocks for 1387 AD (Mali Empire) are on the roof.
Tangled is the full length movie and Tangled ever after is a short film that follows Tangled.
No, they are unrelated.
You pay the bill on time and you won't have to worry about it.
Timbuktu, specifically the Timbuktu Inn, is at the Mali Empire, 1387 AD on Time Tangled island. (3 o'clock on the time device) Reaching the Inn requires you to jump the large rock pillar in the center. There is a document trader who has the missing Declaration of Independence.