Oshus is the old man from the beginning of the game,or the "grandfather" of the fairy
He's in Biggoron's house.
in the temple on goron island
That building that's twice as big as a house. What more can i say?
you find her in the place where you fight monster in so check out every house
It's either a hourglass shape or the shape in the drawing in Zauz's house, depending on where you want to go.
go to gamefaq.com dig under a tree near the guys house
Just go to a cave right of Oshu's house, writ the number 7 and you will have the sword.
u dig just under the tree by the fishermans house [left of the house]
Aroo,the anooki in the middle top house,but you need to talk to every anooki in the anooki estates.
Its Aroo (Back row of houses, middle one). What I did was I saved, and went to house to house telling them that they were the suspect. Its really easy.
That's easy! Dig directly in front of the palm tree near Romanos' house. The hole leading there will appear.
You cant. The only Zelda game I have seen with a purple tunic is minish cap. In minish cap you have to fuse kinstones with din or one of the other girls, and then talk to gorman. Then talk to farore and tell her you got her a house. Then go into her house and get one of her charms. Use it and you will have a purple tunic which boosts attack and defence, but in phantom hourglass, you cannot obtain another tunic.