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back of goron isle (S/E sea -the biggest island on the S/E seaboard (near the bottom))

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Q: Where is goron temple in phantom of hourglass?
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You get the Bombchus as the main item in the Goron Temple.

Where to get the Bombchu Bag in The Legend Of Zelda Phantom Hourglass?

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Zelda phantom hourglass how do you get the baby gorgon out of the area where he is stuck?

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Where do you get mouse bombs in phantom hourglass?

you get them while going through the goron temple.

How do you get through the maze to the goron temple once your a goron on Zelda phantom hourglass?

well i cant TELL you but i you-tubed it(=-)

How do you get the grabbing claw on phantom hourglass?

You get the grabing claw in the Goron Temple on Goron Island and Goron Island is in the south-east area of the sea.