A person can find Fregly's house on Wimpy Wonderland in Poptropica after destroying the snowman. The snowman can be found next to the towers in Winter Wonderland.
At the far left of the island.
Wimpy Wonderland is an island on Poptropica.
he goes to the house
In the box on the top enter "to beat wimpy wonderland" and it will tell you how to solve the whole island!
YOU GROW A pair and stop playing poptropica
magic tree house red dragon :):):):):P
doppler in poptropica
After talking to him? If so, he went to his house. Follow him and find clues in the house.
in the old peoples house
when you find the carrot put it on the snowman at fregley house
Wimpy wonderland is an island based off the book series, "Diary of a wimpy kid." It is an island on Poptropica.