Evolve Gulpin, which are found on route 110.
It is found in the wild on Route 120.
there is no route 16 in Pokemon emerald
It appears in route 113 and it is rather rare.
tm28= Dig: found at Route 114
You can't find a Kirlia; you must evolve Ralts which can be found on route 102 in Emerald.
Regirock is found in the Desert ruins in Route 111 on Pokemon Emerald. To access it you need to solve the Braille Riddle in the Sealed Chamber hidden on Route 134.
Yes, they can be found in the Fiery Path and on Route 113.
Route 113 is where i found mine about level 16
beat your rival on route 120 and she/he will give you it.
Seviper can be found in Route 114, which is south-west of Fallarbor Town. It is not accessible in Poke'mon Ruby, by the way.
I found one on route 120, and used to thunderstone to get a jolteon from it.