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you use the hm surf that you recently got from defeating the 4th gym. surf eastward from Mauvile city

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Q: Where do you go after 5th badge in ruby?
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Where do you go when you have 4 gym badges inn Pokemon ruby?

I'm pretty sure you go back to Petalburg to battle Norman for the 5th gym badge.

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go to your mom after getting your 5th badge this works for both sapphire and ruby but am not sure about emerald !!!!!!!!!

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Mossdeep city

How do you get the HM surf in Pokemon ruby version?

Wally's dad gives it to you after getting the 5th badge.

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Go North to Mauville City

Where do you go after you get your fifth badge in Pokemon ruby?

If you mean Balance Badge in Petalburg City. You need to go in Fortree City. Simple huh?

How do you get to mossdeap in ruby?

you surf there. you have to have the 5th gym badge and the hm from wallys parents west of the petalburg gym.

How do you get the sixth badge in Pokemon ruby destiny?

you go south from mount pyre

Where to get 5 bage on ruby?

if you mean: the fifth badge, you need to go to Petalburg city

What do you after you get the last badge in ruby?

Wow ur dumb you go to victory road then go to challenge the Pokemon league!

What town is after the 4th badge in ruby?

You have to go back to petalburg city to battle your dad at the gym!