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A person can get the cosmic symbols on Astro Nights in Poptropica by talking to a girl who is dressed in black. She hands the player a note with the three cosmic symbols attached.

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Q: Where do you get the cosmic symbols on astro nights poptropica?
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Where are the cosmic symbols in astro nights poptropica?

the cosmic symbols are Saturn moon, star, sun.

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in the town square you will find cosmic symbols on the fountain. choose correct symbols. go down.

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The only "card holder" on Poptropica is for the Cosmic Symbols password on Astro Knights island. Th girl with the card is upstairs in the Mill.

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if you mean the gothic type cult kids, they are in the fountain on astro knights island. you open the statue by using the cosmic symbols.

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In poptropica astro nights what is the numbers for the hovercraft?

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the leftsome answer

Where is the ice planet on astro nights poptropica?

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