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Snow stompers = Snow shoes and face stompers??

Snowshoes are in the El Nath weapon store. Sold for each class.

Facestompers are forged in New Leaf City.

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Q: Where do you get snow stompers on Maplestory?
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When was The Stompers created?

The Stompers was created in 1977.

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How do you get snow pieces in Maplestory?

Snow pieces are part of the yearly holiday event. You'll know when it happens because Happyville will open, and every monster will drop Rascal Snow Pieces. They can be traded in for rewards such as a pendant or transformation potions.

What are some Maplestory dramas on youtube?

You might like Khaini, Forgotten Love, or Snow Princess. Hope you like one of those.

What was the name of the company who made Stompers in the 80s?

Schaper Toys is the company that made Stompers in the 80s. These four wheel toys were powered with a single AA battery. In the United Kingdom they were called Trekkers.

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When did MapleStory happen?

MapleStory happened in 2003.

Where was movie glory stompers filmed?

panamite city ca. near death valley

Is there a Maplestory downloader?

Yes, you can download Maplestory officially from the website. The Maplestory you have to download depends on the region you live in.

Are gms in maplestory really staff in maplestory?

Yes they are. They are payed to be GMs and play MapleStory all day.

I played Maplestory when I first learned of the term pl0x but who created it and which game did it start from?

There are many MapleStory's like MapleSEA which is MapleStory in Asia. MapleGlobal which is America Maple Story and there is KoreaMaple which is MapleStory in Korea. There is many more soon to be launched and the game MapleStory was inspired by the anime "MapleStory".

What is the age for Maplestory?

No there is absolutely no age limit in maplestory.