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You don't actually "get" Frosty Grotto... it's actually a dungeon. When Gengar starts to spread rumors about you (the main character), you and your partner go on a journey to find the truth about your identity and on the way, you get to a place called "Frosty Forest". At the end or middle of this forest is a 2nd dungeon called "Frosty Grotto", where, in the end, you get to battle Articuno.

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Q: Where do you get frosty grotto in Pokemon Red rescue team?
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How do I get to Frosty Grotto in Blue Rescue Team I recruited Moltres and Zapdos but when i went to recruit Articuno I couldn't find Frosty Grotto on my 4-page-long areas list...?

its BECUSE you were on the rock path!

Where do you find Articuno in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team?

The Frosty Forest.

Where are the legendarys in Pokemon Red Rescue Team?

Zapdos is in Mt. Thunder Peak. Moltres is in Mt. Blaze Peak. Articuno is in Frosty Grotto. To meet them again and recruit them, pass Mt. Thunder, Mt. Blaze, and Mt. Freeze without doing any rescue missions.

Were do you find Articuno in Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team?

in frosty forest clearing

Why do you get all 3 legendary Pokemon red rescue team?

zapdos: mt.thunder moltres: mt.blaze articuno: frosty forest if one of them joins your rescue team, you will automatically get their friend area

In what dungeons can you find water type Pokemon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team?

You can find Water Pokemon at these places: Sinister Woods Silent Chasm Frosty Forest

Where is Nosepass in Pokemon Blue Rescue Team?

AnswerNosepass can be found on floors 3F to 6F in Frosty Forest and on floors 1F to 6F in Desert Region.

When do you get to fight the 3 legendary in Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team?

Zapdos in mt thunder Articuno in frosty forest Moltres in mt blaze

What place do you find the 3 bird in red rescue team?

frosty forest

How do you get Articuno Pokemon Mystery Dungeon blue rescue team?

Simply defeat it in Frosty Forest after beating the game, and with a little luck-you may have to try several times- it will ask to join your team.

How do you clone Pokemon in Pokemon red rescue team?

you can't clone in red rescue team