you just find the berry masters wife by Surfing east from slateport city. once you hit land you keep going east and you will find a place where two roads go north and east. go east. then you will see a house. go in. you will see two people. talk to the one on the left. she is the berry masters wife.
So now quit bothering me I need to research some things of my own.
You can find berries from berry plants/trees. You can then water these berries by going to "soft loamy soil" and pressing A. It will say, "would you like to plant a berry?" then, select yes and choose your berry. Afterwards, water it. Do this with the wailimer pail (or something like that) in the flower shop. Just press A by your berry seed. It will look like a lump. The more you water it, the more berries you get. When you can pick them depends on the berry. Most take about 24 hrs.
Only firered, leafgreen, ruby, sapphire and emerald can get a pamtre berry for firered and leafgreen you can get it from a Pokemon with the ability pickup, in ruby, sapphire and emerald talk to the berry masters wife and tell her "challenge contest" she will be impressed and give you a pamtre berry.
Head to mauville city and go east keep going until you find a house go in and talk to the old lady she is the berry masters wife type in great battle or super hustle or challenge contest or cool latios or overwhelming latias to get a really rare berry this can be used to get a gold pokeblock.
Randomly you can receive some from the berry masters wife there house is in the route east from mauville city.
you get it from the berry master in route 123 you will find a house with berries all around it
Tamato berries are randomly given out by the berry master in ruby, sapphire or emerald.
just paste this question in google and u will find ur aswer
It's SUPER hard to find! You can only get it from the Berry Master's wife when she asks you if you've heard a good saying. Tell her this phrase "Challenge Contest" and it's yours!
In the contest place( in lilycove city that has the big poke-mart)but first you have to get a poke-block case at the front desk of the contest place.Then to the right there will be berry blenders that you have to do with somebody. Then those will make berry-blocks.
I am not really sure, but in Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald, you could only get it by using a GameShark or Action Replay. I think it is the same in Diamond/Pearl.
i kinda forgot the town names but its in the place with the meuseum and the beach one of the person at the left side of town will give it to you
Pamtre Berries can be found occassionally when you walk around with a Pokemon in Amity Square. They are somewhat rare, so it may take some time before you get one. After you get one Pamtre Berry, you can plant it and grow more Pamtre Berries so that you don't have to go find another one in Amity Square. A great way to evolve feebas is to use 11 high level wiki poffins then use a high level pamtre poffin and it should max out your beauty i have 3 regular milotics and a shiny i got from a freind. Have Fun getting that Milotic! you can also go to the berry masters house everyday until you get one. i would use a apicot berry or a wiki berry, if i were you. use growth mulch to speed up growth time. :3 (this little section was by ~Poke'fan Lunarstar911)
there is no friendly berry