You can download Spore: Creature creator free trial onHttp:/ and I have found plenty of sites that allow you to download spore free but its illegal and you can get a hefty fine or serve time.
You can not get it for free. You can only download the Spore Creature Creator Trial for free.
you cant
You can get the creature creater free by going to the spore website and clicking on the download button free trial. However you don't have acsess to the world of spore and all of the parts of it.
It probably wont work because your computer doesn't meet the requirements. The same thing happened to me.
The trial version is MY ANSWER: Trial version is, but i strongly recommend just getting the actual game.
Somewhere around, never and a billion years.
There is a free flash version, and demo version. Flash version is 2D, and you can play a minigame. Demo version has half the parts, and supports only the creature stage's creature.
the anser is you can buy it for your computer or google it and try and find free trial then click it or judt buy it for your computer
no!it has an anti hack network system
Spore isn't free but, if you buy the game Spore for Nintendo DS it is.
I don't know but go on the official website to find out ,if it's not there then I don't know.
You can find the nightscapes game for cheap or a free trial online. you just have to make sure to indicate if you'd like a free trial or just a cheap one.