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get every Pokemon bonus on salamences attraction

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12y ago
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12y ago

You have to get all the bonuses on pelippers attraction, then it will say that latias is now your friend.

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13y ago

you get him by beating all the bounes for salemences game by the flower zone

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12y ago

As you play Salamence's Air Ace, you will get Latios if you beat all high scores.

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Q: Where do you find latios on PokePark Wii?
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How do you find latios in PokePark Wii?

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Pokepark wii is only one player because it would be dificult to play 2 player. this is all i know but its easier to play one player. i know that when you get to salamence's atraction get all the bonus' and latios will apear.

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you have to look around for about 2 or 3 hours i got him to this always works dude it works

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