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It is a Talent learned in the Marksmanship Talent tree. You are able to unlock it at 20 or 30 (not sure). It is pretty good.

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Level 20 in the Marksmanship talent tree.

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Q: Where do hunters in world of warcraft learn aimed shot?
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Kil Jaeden is from the popular MMORPG game "World of Warcraft" by Blizzard Entertainment. You can learn more about World of Warcraft at the Wikipedia.

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The Twinblades of Azzinoth are dropped by Illidan in the Black Temple. These weapons can be used by Hunters, Rogues and Warriors.

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Yes, Rock Worms are considered beasts, and therefore are tamable by hunters.

When do troll hunters use guns in World of Warcraft?

In World of Warcraft, all hunters can use guns, and bow, and crossbows. It does not matter what race you are. If you wish to use a gun, all you need to do is buy one that is appropriate for your character's level. They can be bought from vendors, or the Auction House, or can be gotten as quest rewards or drops from mobs.

How do you forge something in World of Warcraft?

You need to learn blacksmith from a blacksmith trainer.

What is the fastest leveling character in World of Warcraft?

The fastest leveling character in World of Warcraft can vary depending on personal preferences and playstyle. However, classes with high mobility and AoE damage, such as Demon Hunters, Hunters, and Mages, are often considered to be fast levelers due to their ability to quickly clear groups of enemies. Ultimately, the fastest leveling character is the one that you enjoy playing the most.