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After the Battle of Marathon defeated the Persian infantry, the Athenian army ran home 26 miles over the hills back to their city to protect it from a Persian amphibious attack launched after the battle. The marathon runs today commemorate that run by 9,000 Athenian armored warriors and their 9,000 light infantry.

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Q: Where did the Persians flee after 6400 men died at the battle of Marathon?
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How many Persians died in the battle of marathon?

around 6000

Where did Hippias die?

He was with the Persians at the battle of Marathon and is said to have died on the way back at Lemnos in 490 BC.

What time did pheidippidesdie?

Pheidippides is said to have died in 490 BC, shortly after completing his run from Marathon to Athens to deliver news of the Greek victory over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. The exact time of his death is not recorded.

Who ran 26 miles and yelled Nike before he died?

no idea name but it was to do with a battle between Greeks and Persians at Marathon. he ran 26 miles got into city walls shouted Nike and died. (victory) that's why we call 26 miles a Marathon

What is the origin race of the marathon?

The Origins of the Marathon lies with a Greek soldier called Pheidippides. After the Battle of Marathon (it's namesake), he ran as a messenger to tell the people of Athens the Persians. It is believed he ran into the town, gave the message, collapsed and died after running the whole 26 mile distance

What is the origin of the marathon race?

The Origins of the Marathon lies with a Greek soldier called Pheidippides. After the Battle of Marathon (it's namesake), he ran as a messenger to tell the people of Athens the Persians. It is believed he ran into the town, gave the message, collapsed and died after running the whole 26 mile distance

How did the battle of Marathon get its name?

According to legend, the marathon springs from an account of a Greek soldier who ran from the town of Marathon to Athens, which is about 25 miles and some change, to inform the Senate that the Battle of Marathon had been won. The legend states that the soldier ran the entire difficult, mountainous route nonstop, declared "We are victorious", collapsed and died.

How many men died in the battle of Marathon?


How do you think a marathon got its name?

The name marathon comes from the Battle of Marathon. It was fought between Persia and Athens at Marathon, Greece. After the Greeks defeated the Persians, they sent a runner back to Athens to inform the Greeks of their victory. The distance between Marathon and Athens was around 25 to 26 kilometers. He burst into the assembly hall exclaiming Νενικήκαμεν (We have won!) then collapsed and died from exhaustion. This is just a legend.

How many Atheneon men died in the battle of Marathon?


How many died in battle of thermopylae?

about 20,000 Persians and 4000 Greeks.

Who was the king that died that was protecting Sparta from the Persians?

The name of the brave king who died in battle while protecting Sparta from the Persian was Leonidas. He died a heroic death at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C.