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Go to the website but please use these for backup purposes only. If you don't own the game or have had it and lost it ilthus is considered stealing. I only use mine for backups.

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11y ago

Although free PSP game downloads would be considered as pirating and is illegal, there are plenty of ways where you could download PSP games for free. One way is to download torrent files of the games uploaded to various torrenting sites such as ThePirateBay and KickAssTorrents.

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15y ago

Go To: That is where I buy all of my Video Games and consoles because they have a great selection of products, and everything they sell is extremely cheap!

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14y ago

When you buy a PSP GO over here in the UK, you get 10 free games with it. They are full retail games, downloaded from the PSN.

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13y ago

You can't. Download demos or free games.

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Are there free games for the PSP go?

when you buy the psp go, it will have ten free games in it.

Where is L1 and L2 on the PSP?

on the top left and right hand cornners of the psp

What site hosts free downloadable psx games?

You should try ROM husler.

Can you get croc for PSP?

if you mean croc for ps1 then yes ! what you need to do is get custom firnware(look it up in youtube!)then you download the game (look for psx game it should be their)psx games are ps1 games but on format for a psp with custom firmware(don't wory the game wont be different from the original......once you download the game you should have a (((keys,and a eboot)))))file , you put that in the game folder in your psp's memmory stick....then your done enjoy!!!!:)

What is Final Fantasy VIII?

A RPG for PSX, PC and later, PSP.

Where can one find free downloads of PSP games?

One can find free downloads of PSP games from pspshare and pspube. One can find and watch hundreds of free PSP games from Youtube and download from there.

Psp says there are no games?

well to get games you need to have playstation shop by updating your psp then you can get free game demos or full games (not free) .

Can you get free PSP GO games?

To start off with, SONY is discontinuing the psp go sales to concentrate on the new ps vita. It is going to continue in North America though. The reason why it is discontinued is becuase it was a failure. Sony was offering 10 free games for the psp go in UK, while they were offering 3 free games with the psp go in USA. Recently, the PSN store was hacked, and they offered 2 free psp games. But in general, psp go games are not free. You can get free demos of games, but nothing more.