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Its Just An Answer!you go to mirage island and look for it. < that's all i heard in this website! i cant even find one :( i never even went on mirage island!

This is false, I don't know if you can get a skill tag there or not, but a Wish Tag is the tags on Jirachi's head, and it is impossible to get it, except maybe through hacking. It may have been a beta item, or a theorized item that didn't even make it into the beta, all that's left being the tags on Jirachi and the girl who talks about them.

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14y ago

It isn't real, people just use this cheat because they didn't go to the Nintendo Events that had Jarachi, or they want to trick you.

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That girl who talks about it in mossdeep city mentions this item but its actually fake.

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14y ago

There is a girl in mossdeep city that mentions wish tags but these items don't exist in the game at all.

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Pokemon Ruby wish tag?

there is a little girl close to the space station in mossdeep.

Pokemon Sapphire where to get wish tag?

wish tag does not really exist.

Can you catch jirachi on Pokemon Ruby?

go on moosdeep city and go up, and when you see the girl near on the white rock talk to him and da girl give you the wish tag and put the wish tag on white tag then jirachi come down.

Where do you get a wish tag Pokemon Ruby?

Mount Pyre on the first floor in the north east corner. Talk to the old lady. You will need surf to get to get to Mount Pyre

In Pokemon emerald how do you get a wish tag?

The wish tag is not real some guy used a cheat to make it up.

How could you get a wish tag in ruy?

i'll give it to you if you learn how to spell ruby, dipsh*t

In Pokemon sapphire and ruby how do you get the wish tag?

you get it in mossdeep city. you have to beat the elite four 4 times. you could get it on mirage island. however to get there you have to have a zigzagoon level 1 in your party holding a master ball

How do you get a wish tag?

there is no wish tag

Where do you find a cleanse tag on Pokemon's Diamond?

You find it in Lost Tower (some ghost Pokemon if you catch them hold a cleanse tag as well).

Where do you find skill tag on Pokemon emerald instead of mirage island?

you can find a skill tag on mirage island.

How do you capture jurachi in Pokemon Emerald?

put the game inplay the gamewaalahh jurachi

How do you have a wish tag?

There is no wish tag as far as I and the internet are concerned.