Entrana Dungeon is the only non wilderness place to find them, but you can't wear armour or weapons on Entrana, otherwise they are at some place in level 50 odd wilderness.
There is a greater demon in the wizards tower. There is a group in the karamaja volcanoes, for members i know of a buch in the taverly dungeon that i killed for a slayer assignment.
A good nonmember spot is in the Wilderness Volcano. Just northwest of Fist Of guthix.BEWARE OF LVL 122 HELLHOUNDS unless u can kill one.
[edited by pwned bro6] make shure that you dont run into revenants, although some are hard to kill there are no rewards as to killing them. you will need to be lv 80+ unless you are a pure then 65+. also bring food and have a fairly good prayer level.in members make shure youhave a tele set. good armor and food. you dont want to run into PKers.
Also in the Ogre EnclaveYou will need to have started the watchtower quest to get entry to this spot.
The doorway to the cave entrance in the Ogre city of Gu'tanoth is guarded by two ogres. (Ogre city is south of Yanille, easiest way there is castle wars tele using duel ring) You speak with them to distract them and enter the enclave.
The greater demons are behind a fence area that you cannot get into so it is perfect for ranging them. Remember to bring telegrab runes for the best goodies the drop. ~ ladyk
Black demons inhabit the following locations:
In each location is at least one safespot from which the demons can be fought safely with Ranged, Magic, or a halberd.
Type your answer here...you can find them in wilderness volcano or crandor
82. there are many types of demons such as greater lezzer demonds:92 lesser demons:82 83 84 black demons :138.soo hope i helped
They can be found in the Slayer Tower near Canfis.
lesser and greater demons
The Demons that are known to drop Dragon Platebody Parts.
in the volcano at michaels house
Slayer Tower
A black demon is big and if i am not wrong has a weak resistant against magic. You should use range though. Because i heard that demons have a strong resistance against melee attacks.They have no weakness, you range them form a safe spot if you can find one nearby.CORRECTION: Black Demons are weak to magic attacks. Also, as with all Demons, the Silverlight and Darklight weaken them on first attack --- afterward, switch to another weapon for the kill.
Nope, There not.
Go to level 40 wilderness and go into the volcano there are level 95 Greater demons.
in the wilderness level 56