You could try They have the stuffed LPS animals - LPS VIP - for approximately $10 each.
You can buy littlest pet shop in Thailand.
Buy It
Buy it.
If you want you could send in 6 stickers that came with your Littlest Pet Shop products and stick them into your #2 Littlest Pet Shop My Collector's Journal or you could buy it. I recommend you buy it at because it is not that expensive there.
You need to first buy a stuffed animal littlest pet shop plushie that comes with a code you can find them at target
Because everything that you buy in the toys stuff is really small and hence the term "Littlest Pet Shop".
If you mean the first Littlest Pet Shop pet made, the answer is the tan Chihuahua, pet #1.
on eBay
The Entertainer
you can find it at walmart
You have to get a littlest pet shop toy and get a password off of that toy
You need to buy a Littlest Pet Shop VIP toy, inside the tag is an individual code, there available at all good toy shops :)