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You cant'. You can only get them on the ground or as a held item in a trade etc.

One alternative is to grow Leppa berries, which also restore PP.

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9y ago

In Pokemon Ruby, here are the locations where you can find a Max Elixir:

  • Sootopolis City
  • Victory Road
  • Team Magma Hideout
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you cant you can only find them in hidden places

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14y ago

you cant

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Can you buy ethers in Pokemon platinum?


Where can you find or buy Max Elixir or Elixir in Pokemon Fire Red?

at the bottom of the cycleing road.

Where can you find or buy Max Elixir or Elixir in Pokemon Yellow?

In the Pokemon tower, it's next to the power plant, and route 8!

Where can you buy ethers in Pokemon black?

You can't buy any ethers or elixirs in the game - you get them through random Pokéballs scattered around. You can use a Leppa Berry instead.

Where do you find ethers in Pokemon platinum?

seeing how you can not buy them you just find them randomly

Where can you buy pp up Pokemon Platinum?

You cannot buy PP Ups or Elixirs/Ethers in Pokemon Platinum. You can find them around the map, however.

Where do you buy Ether in Pokemon ruby?

somewhere on the game

How do you buy ethers in platinum?

Ethers and Leppa berries will recover PP. They're both hard to find, but if you catch some Clefairy Pokemon they might hold a Leppa berry.

Where can you buy ether on Pokemon fire red and Pokemon leaf green?

I don't think you can buy Ethers. But you can farm berries. I'm not sure if they're in FR/LG.

Where can you buy elixir in Pokemon Platinum?

ummm listen, sorry to tell you, but you can't buy any exilrs in the game :S. Sorry...

Can you buy a PP restore on Pokemon Diamond?

sadly no, ether, max ether, elixir, and max elixir, all pp gainers are not sold in the pokemarket, you have to find it with the dowsing machine

Where can you get ethers on Pokemon Diamond?

You can not buy ethers from the PokeMart, but you can find them lying on the floor in certain routes. If you have a Pokemon that knows the move Cut, go to the top left corner of the Eterna Forest where you can find the Old Chateau. There is an Ether there if you have not already got it. There are about three more, but I can not remember where they are. Hope you find them! Good luck! And you can get 999 of them from ar cheats for more of advise they are 20$ at walmart. They can get you 999 ethers. Thank You!!