You must make all the donations possible at the malo mart in Kakariko. You can cut down the second one from 2000 to 200 by talking to man outside the shop when you get that far and do his sidequest. Once Malo has all the donations, she (or he, or whatever) will buy the fancy shop in castle town and turn it into the hyrule version of chuck e chezits. There you can buy the magic armor for (I believe) 598 rupees
there is no goron armor in the game only zora and magical
legend of zelda t p is awesome
Buy it
use your arrows to shoot him in the middle of his body
If you're talking about Zelda Twilight Princess, Then the Sea bed Temple is under lake Hylaia. To get there, you need the Zora's armor. To get the Zora's Armor, you need to help the Zora Prince who is sick. He is located at Telma's Bar.
Just use the armor u began with because all the other armor is more vunerable to attacks
Princess peach is not in Zelda it is princess Zelda.
you buy it at a store
buy the hawk eye
she is royaltly
Princess Zelda was created in 1986.
Princess Zelda? Link, of course.