To download Maplestory, first go to, of course, Then click go to community site. Scroll down
until you see "Free Download!" on the left side of the screen. Good
luck, and choose BROA!
In Maplestory what is the chance to scroll a work glove with 10 percent percent scrolls perfect?
Mostly u get lucky but the chance is 16% most of the time
How do you get millions of mesos in Maplestory?
first get to level 36 and go to the subanis legacy quest
and get the gfa 60% (glove for attak) scroll and then go to the FM
and sell it for about 8 mill.
How much does a white scroll cost in Maplestory?
Around 30-20 million mesos. Right now I've seen it sell for 2
billion, but I think that was just a rip off.
How do you make lots of money in Maplestory?
GFA 60% scroll can be obtained through New Leaf City by an NPC
at the Bigger Ben Lobby. GFA scrolls can be sold for a few million