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near the sign to go to the beach area it will Be near there.

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11y ago

The clown fish is found in the crystal reef, but many people have complained they cannot see the clown fish.

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Q: Where are the clown fish on animal jam for the journey book?
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Where do you find the small fish for the journey book in crystal reef on animal jam?

On the top of the water

What animal is helpful to sponges?

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Which animal is known as foolish animal?

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What insect or animal lives in the sea anemone?

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What is a clownfish mean of protection?

The main and only mean of protection for clown fish is the anemone. This is the reason why clown fish spend all their lives swimming nearby anemone. They protect each other. It is called "symbiosis".

What symbiotic relationship do they share?

It is when an animal helps out another animal and the other animal gets food or help. For example the sea anemone has stinging tentacles. The clown fishes the only fish that can swim safely to it. So the sea anemone gives the clown fish protection and the clown fish bring little bits of food. by a girl named Michelle. age 8.

What are three things a clown fish habitat does?

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What is clown fish the characteristics of the clown fish?

What is the unusual characteristics of the clown fish?

What is a clown fish in french?

Clown fish in french is poisson clown

Does the clown fish live in Antarctica?

No. Fish do not live on continents. This is an animal that prefers warmer water than can be found in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica.

What kind of fish can you keep with clown fish?

Clown Fish

Is clown fish a bird?

Hm let me see. Clown FISH Clown FISH My guess would be it's a ........FISH! ~Me~