In The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap the Swiftblade people are located in various places throughout Hyrule. The Hyrulean Swordsmen also known as the Swiftblade people can be found in the following locations: Hyrule Town - in the eastern side of town near the green-roofed house Castor Wilds - in the western area Royal Valley - in the southern area Minish Woods - in the eastern area Mount Crenel - in the northern areaIn every location you need to talk to the Hyrulean Swordsman in order to receive the Swiftblade Scroll. Once you have obtained the scroll you can then use it to learn the Swiftblade techniques.
Fuse kinstones with all the tingle brothers.
If you want to
You have to get the power bracelet.
zelda the minish cap
You need to get the flippers.
in the temple in the sky
Play the game.
minish cap
On the way out of Minish Village thru the secret exit there is a house with a minish named Belari he gives u bombs. Soon you'll be able to edit Zelda - The Minish Cap using this Editor. greetz MX
you dont get a shovel in minish cap you get the mole mits which let you dig also in the wind ruins.