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whenever the riquirements are fulfilled. If your chao has a higher level than 15 in any techniqe (Power,Swimming,Flying,Etc) it will be close to evolving/going into its cacoon. And at that point all you really can do is wait for your chao to evolve. If you really want your chao to evolve than you can leave your system on all day, while you are in a chao garden (or all night, that's what i do) by the time you get back, your chao shall be evolved.

P.S. If you want to know a glitch for your chao, than do this..:While holding a animal or a machine part ( the glowing things) go close to your chao, not close enough to automaticaly give the animal to your chao but close so that when you drop it your chao will grab it and throw it back at you, and you can use it again! ( to do this glitch the best characters to use to do this will be sonic and shadow.)

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Q: When well will a choa go into its cocoon on sonic adventure battle 2?
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Emblems are awards you get for completing a level,defeating a boss, choa race,ect. There are 180 in the game and are the main goal for the game

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You need a shovel and a seed and give the chao the seed and eventually the chao will find a spot to plant the seed

How come on sonic adventure battle 2 how come it won't let the characters buy any choa eggs?

mayby u haven't got any in the garden from story mode

Why do my choa's keep going back to eggs in sonic adventure 2?

i think because you might not be feeding them anoth or looking after them

What happens when you give a a chao all rabbits?

If you are talking about Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (or whatever), your choa would get bunny parts and would look like a bunny. If it evolves, the parts may change colours.

How do you reincarnate a choa on sonic dx?

stay with your chao long time.and wait it to retincarnate..^_^

Cheat codes for beating the giant scorpions in sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood?

well,i say keep colecting choa until you get a choa with a atomatic POW attack wining ability,get wirlwind for sonic (at least pay ten poits) stock up on POW items and tack those things out!

When was Carolyn Choa born?

Carolyn Choa was born in Hong Kong, in China.