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Mario was first made in 1981 on the arcade game, Donkey Kong, but didn't have a name. He got the name from Nintendo's landlord, Mario Segali, when Nintendo couldn't pay rent. This made Nintendo mad. So they exploded Mario Segali

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in the 1980's

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Q: When was Mario made?
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Super Mario Bros. was created by Shigeru Miyamoto. And if it weren't for him we wouldn't have Nintendo at all.

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I am sorry. The answer changes every time a new super Mario is made.

Who made Mario and when?

Shigeru Miyamoto made Mario, who first appeared in the game Donkey Kong in 1981.

Who was made first Mario or luigi?

Well Mario and luigi are brothers but I know Luigi looks taller but Mario was born first and luigi was born second so mario was the first to be made.

What Mario games are made xbox?

There is none mario is a nintendo trademark.