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Pelly is a bird that works in the post office during the day. MUCH nicer than her sister, Phyilis who works at night.

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Every day from 6 A.M. to 6:55 A.M.

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Q: When is Pelly at The Roost in Animal Crossing Wild World?
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Related questions

Who goes in the roost in animal crossing wild world?

Pretty much everyone. Pelly, Phylias, Cap'n and sometimes your neighbors

Who visits the roost on Animal crossing wild world?

Harriet (if you have Nookington's), Kapp'n, Lyle, Pelly, Phyllis, Resetti, and Rover.

Who visits The Roost in Animal Crossing Wild World?

Besides the residents in your town, you can see Rover, Pelly, Phyllis, Kapp'n, and Resetti from time to time.

How can you work with pelly in Animal crossing wild world?

You can't.

Were is the roost on animal crossing wild world?

In the Museum to the left.

Are pelly and Petey dating in Animal Crossing wild world?

No, Pete is actually dating Phyllis.

How do you get the mysterious cat to visit the roost on animal crossing wild world?

I don't think you can.

Whose pictures can you get in Animal Crossing wild world?

Your neighbors, K.K. Slider, Tom Nook, Pelly, Phyllis.

What time does kappn' go into the roost animal crossing wild world?

monday - friday at night

Where is kk slider in Animal Crossing?

Animal Crossing (Gamecube): He is sitting on steps next to the train station. Animal Crossing Wild World & Animal Crossing City Folk: He is in the Roost (coffee place) in the museum (downstairs), on a small stage.

Ia there an action replay code what give you a whistle what calls cappn on animal crossing wild world ds?


How do you work for pelly in Animal Crossing wild world?

Unfortunately, you cannot work for Pelly in Animal Crossing Wild World. Pelly is the clerk of the town hall and you can only talk to her for donations, accessing you bank account, changing town tunes, the environment, paying your loan from Tom Nook, etc. In the beginning of the game, you work for Tom Nook and "only" for Tom Nook. For town neighbors, you do simple tasks for them and you get simple gifts. You cannot work for Pelly the clerk.