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Nabooti island is comming out on THURSDAY 11TH DECEMBER

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

the unconfirmed rumor for reallity tv is a season sometime during the summer From:super ghost

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Q: When does the new island on poptropica come out?
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Where is Poptropica 2?

There is not a poptropica 2. But it would be awesome if it was. Once you beat poptropica then you have to wait for a new island to come out.

What was the first island to come out on Poptropica?

Early poptropica

Why is Poptropica down at 608 PM March 24 2010?

they are still creating an island :)

When did Spy island come out on Poptropica?

Spy Island, the sixth island of Poptropica, was released on September 9, 2008.

When does Poptropica 2 come out?

The creators of poptropica haven't created a final date but you can download it and there are new islands. These are the new islands: Phineas and Ferb island Steam works island 2 and others i forgot the rest

When did shark tooth island come out on Poptropica?

Shark Tooth Island was the second island on Poptropica and premiered in September, 2007.

When did 24 carrot island come out on Poptropica?

24 Carrot Island is the 4th island of Poptropica. It came out in June, 2008.

When did Time Tangled Island come out on Poptropica?

Time Tangled Island, the third island of Poptropica, was released in July 2008.

Is there going to be a new island on poptropica?

the newest one should come out in either April or may of 2011

When did the eleventh island come out on Poptropica?

Reality TV Island was replaced in the Poptropica schedule with "Counterfeit Island", which was released to the public on January 4, 2010. Reality TV became the 11th Island in March, 2010.*You can receive e-mail announcements of new island releases by signing up at the Poptropica site.

What is zomberry island?

Zomberry island is a kind of new island on Poptropica.

What can you do on Poptropica when you finish?

When you finish poptropica just wait for the next island to come then you are not finished