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i don't know but i asked him for another ballon and he didnt come again maby that's why or mabye only on the days you started

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Q: When does the balloon guy on city folk come?
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When does the balloon guy come to Animal Crossing City Folk?

The balloon guy will come on random days. Sometimes he will only come on Sundays, sometimes he will come a few days in a row.

Does the balloon guy on animal crossing city folk come on snowing or raining days?


What time does the balloon guy come on animal crossing city folk?

Phineas (balloon guy) comes around anytime in AC:CF, every week. Except rainy or snowy days...

When do traders come to the city in Animal Crossing City Folk?

Traders don't come to the city, but a traveling prize guy comes often. He can give you bubbles, a balloon, or another cool prize.

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Phineas is the balloon guy! He appears on random days in the city!

When do balloons come in Animal Crossing City Folk?

they come in from a guy that goes in town on Sundays or days in a row in a week

When Does a guy come to the city with games on Animal Crossing City Folk?

What Guy? You mean the "guy" who plays the guitar? Well he comes every Saturday 8:00PM-midnight ( doesn't matter what time zone you are in.)

How do you get animals to move to your town from the city in Animal Crossing City Folk?

you cant get them to come. the better your town is the more of them come. basicly they come on there own. from just a random guy who playes animal c.

What days does the shoe shine guy come to Animal Crossing City Folk?

The shoe shine guy Kicks is in the city. He only comes on clear days. He doesn't come on foggy, rainy, or snowy days. Just go with the flow.

Does a guy come to the city with games on Animal Crossing City Folk?

There is someone who comes once in a while and hands out prizes. (balloons, pinwheels, and bubble wands)

When does the shoe shiner guy come to animal crossing city folk?

on a sunny day fomr 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

In Animal Crossing City Folk where is the lost and found?

city gates the guy on the left