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The Nintendo DS has targeted this market with several games,but you can just get any sort of crossword or brainteaser game for that purpose.

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Q: What's the best electronic game to keep an Older person mentally active?
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Are there electronic games for older people too?

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The best place for a 41 year old mentally retarded person is where their caretaker believes they should be. There is nothing wrong with an older person living with family, but if the family feels that they cannot provide adequate care, they should look into a home or hospital.

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By law, any person 18 years of age or older can use one. Laws may vary by state.

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Physically, older people may experience changes such as decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, and a decline in vision and hearing. Mentally, they may face challenges like slower cognitive processing, memory issues, and increased risk of developing conditions like dementia or depression. It's important for older individuals to stay active, engage in mentally stimulating activities, and seek medical support when needed to maintain their overall well-being.

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No. Teenagers have an extremely high metabolism, activity level and are still growing. It's possible that a small female teen with low activity level would need fewer calories than an older, active male, but generally teens need more calories than older adults.

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all automotive plugs are electronic ignition now,unless you have a 73 or older with points. newer plugs have a wider gap than older plugs.and last longer.

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When I got my hamster it would be very active and now it isn't active and it also doesn't walk the same what is wrong?

it was active because it was young, when animals get older they are not as active as they used to be, it is sad. Just like a child is very active but then when the child gets older, it is'nt as active as it used to be. But never stop playing with your hamster love it always!

Who is the older person on earth?

the older person got to be 115 i no because he was my granddad

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a cougar (if the girl is older)

The meaning of the term older person?

The term older person is used to politely refer to someone who is old in age. An older person could be anyone older than you even by just 1 year.