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The travelers would be called emigrants.

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Q: What would you call someone traveling west on the Oregon trail?
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Is wagon train the same as Oregon trail?

No, but when pioneers were traveling to Oregon on the Oregon Trail they would stay in wagon trains which are a single file line of different families' wagons.

Which state would you travel to in order to see chimney Rock an important landmark for pioneers traveling on the Oregon trail?


What do they do on the oregon trail when someone died?

They would Barrie the person and move on and they would never see that grave again

Who did the goals of travelers on the Oregon and Mormon trails differ how were they similar?

Those on the Mormon trail were seeking religious freedom, those on the Oregon trail were not traveling for religious reasons. Both were moving west for a chance at a new life, but what that 'new life' would involve was different.

Was the Oregon trail a safe place to visit now?

The Oregon Trail no longer exists. Paved roads run close to the route taken by The Oregon Trail. So it is possible to drive a route similar to that taken by The Oregon Trail. It would not be safe to try to follow the exact route of The Oregon Trail.

What did people on the Oregon trail do for entertainment?

The Oregon Trail travelers would read, write in a journal, and sometimes they would sing or play music.

If you were traveling to Sacramento California which trail would you take?

California trail

What was the weather like on the Oregon trail during the day?

Weather on the Oregon Trail was brutal most of the time due to either too much heat, too much cold, a blizzard, rain, or another type of storm. These were especially brutal if you had been on the trail for a long time. The journey takes 4-6 months.

Where can you play Oregon trail online for free without downloading it?

You can play Oregon Trail online only if you can install a disk that you need. If you do not have the disk or the parts needed then you cannot play Oregon Trail online. If you would like to play Oregon Trail on your computer then you have to buy the game disk. That is how you can play Oregon Trail. For Further information about Oregon Trail you can E-mail me at Thank You

Why would people face challenges on the Oregon trail?


What is a name of a traveler of the Oregon Trail?

That would be a "pioneer".

What would you travel on the Oregon trail?

you would travel on horseback and chuck wagon.