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After the invasion was driven back in 479 BCE Athens formed a defensive league of a couple of hundred cities which it led. It offerd to take cotributions of money from those cities which preferred this to providing expensive ships. Most paid, so Athens became rich and militarily strong on the proceeds. It kept this tribute flowing even after the Persian threat subsided, and lived high on the extorted proceeds.

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9y ago

When the Persians agreed to peace, Athens converted the Delian League which opposed Persia into an empire of its own. It lived well on the proceeds, beautifying Athens, promoting culture, and putting half its citizens on the public payroll. Unfortunately this success and power led Athens to over-reach itself, leading to a destructive 27-year war with the Peloponnesian League which devastated the Greek world. Athens lost and was relegated to a second rate power without the money to support its high lifestyle.

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6y ago

Athens tuurned the Peloponnesian League it had led against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own, and used the funds to live high on the hog.

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Q: What was the significance of the Persian Wars to Athens?
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