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The purpose of the fox in flattering the crow, in Aesop's fable The Fox and the Crow, was to get the crow to drop the piece of cheese that it was carrying in its mouth. The fox flatters the crow by saying that it must have the most lovely singing voice and that the fox would love to hear but one song from the crow. So the crow begins to caw and so drops the cheese which the fox takes.

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Q: What was the purpose of the fox in flattering the crow?
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What is the climax of the fable The Fox and the Crow?

The Fox was trying to get the cheese by flattering the Crow.

What is the problem in the story the fox and the crow?

In the story of the fox and the crow, the problem arises when the crow is tricked by the fox into dropping the cheese it was holding by flattering the crow's voice. The crow falls for the flattery and loses the cheese to the cunning fox.

What did the fox tell the crow about its voice and appearance?

The fox told the crow that its voice was as beautiful as its appearance, flattering the crow to make it drop the cheese it was holding in its beak. This was part of the fable "The Fox and the Crow" by Aesop, illustrating the theme of flattery and deception.

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The fox flatters Chanticleer's singing ability, getting him to close his eyes and puff out his chest to crow. This allows the fox to grab Chanticleer and run off with him.

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Crows are known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities. One common lesson associated with crows is to adapt and persevere in the face of challenges. They demonstrate the importance of creativity and using tools to overcome obstacles.

What did the crow have in its beak from The Fox and the Crow?

In Aesop's tale of The Fox and The Crow the fox saw that the crow had a piece of cheese in its beak.

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What character traits do the fox and the crow represent from the story The Fox and the Crow?

In the story "The Fox and the Crow," the fox represents cleverness and cunning, as it tricks the crow into dropping the cheese. The crow represents vanity and foolishness, as it falls for the flattery of the fox and loses the cheese.

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The climax in "The Fox and Crow" occurs when the crow drops the cheese it was holding in its beak and the fox catches it. This is the turning point of the story where the fox outwits the crow and succeeds in getting the cheese.

Which character has a flaw in the fox and the crow?

The crow

Why do you think the crow believed the Fox in the story of the Fox and the crow?

The fox flattered the crow about his good colour and feathers, he then said that he could sing just as well. And when the crow started to sing the cheese fell down and the crow took it away.