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The Greek city-states in Asia Minor were freed from Persian Empire rule and hoped for peace and independence, only to be swallowed up into an Athenian empire and plunged into the Peloponnesian War.

This ongoing fighting within the Greek world brought Persia to re-absorb them into its empire sixty years later to stop these wars spilling over to its territory.

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11y ago

Their end in 449 BCE enabled the Greek cities to return to their usual occupation of fighting each otheer.

The anti-Persian alliance was turned by Athens into an empire of its own. The Peloponnesian League, some of whose ccities was targeted by the Atnenian empire, reacted against this and this led to the 27-year Peloponnesian War which devastated the Greek world.

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12y ago

Persia agreed to stay away from the Greek cities of Asia Minir and the Islands. This allowed Athens to convert the anti-Persian (Delian) League into a private empire, which set the ground for a confrontation with the Peloponnesian League which was set up to counter it, and led to the destructive Peloponnesian War in which Athens was stripped of its empire.

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12y ago

Athens created an anti-Persian league, which it then turned into an empire.

The sucessful conclusion of the wars allowed the Greek city-states to go back to fighting each other.

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11y ago

Persia agreed to stay out of the Greek world in the Eastern Mediterranean, and after the war Athens turned the anti-Persian league into an empire for its own benefit.

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13y ago

Athens had the most powerful fleet in the Aegean. and the greek won!!!!:)

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11y ago

The Persian Empire agreed to stay away from the Greek cities in Asia Minor.

The Athenians turned the anti-Persian alliance into an empire of its own and lived high on the proceeds.

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6y ago

In its aftermath, Athens used the anti-Persian Delian League to form an empire, which came into conflict with the Peloponnesian League in a devastating 27-year war.

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11y ago

people died

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