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non biological units, like a missile turret

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Q: What units does brood spawn in Starcraft not effect?
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How is the unit portrait you see determined in Starcraft if you select multiple types of units in a group?

the strongest units is who you will se

What are all of the Zerg units in Starcraft BroodWar?

To have access to the Zerg units, it is really important that you pick "Zerg" as your race.

Which units can beat the other Starcraft 1 Starcraft 2 or Halo?

Starcraft will definitely own Halo because 1,2 combine has moer than 200 units. Don't forget about the DT that's cloaked and halo don't got any tech to see it. o and the banelings, seige tanks, carriers!

What are the cheet for starcraft?

there are many starcraft cheats, but the best(in my opinion) are "power overwhelming"- which lets all of your units and buildings become invincible, "operation cwal"- which lets you build buildings and units faster and "show me the money"- which gives you a lot of vespene gas and minerals.

How do you make units more powerful in Starcraft 2 map editor?

don't know, i think you lock down a ghost. :)

How do you assign hot keys to units in Starcraft?

Click on a unit, hold control, then press a number. When you press that number again it will select the unit, group of units, or building you previously selected.

How do you 7pool in starcraft?

It is known as an RTS (Real Time Strategy) in which you control space-era units. Starcraft 2 should be coming out soon. If you enjoyed Starcraft, you will love Starcraft 2. The new 3D graphics look amazing. === === == While the gameplay mechanics of the game are excellent, the basis of the plot and the races are stolen from various sections of Warhammer 40,000 (re: see Tyranid and Zerg similarities, remembering Tyranids were created years in advance)

How to play starcraft?

It is highly suggested that you go and check The Shokz Guide (link below). It is the complete Starcraft 2 Mastery Guide. The Starcraft 2 Guide is an in-depth guide teaching you how to master the Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. Great Guide! You can become the commander of an army, and control your units (for example: where to go, which enemy unit they should attack, etc.).

Is there going to be a Starcraft 3?

A:As of now there is no definitive answer to that. However, considering its immense success, I'd guess that there may be in the future. However Blizzard has already stated they will release two SC2 expansion packs over the span of the next three years, and knowing blizzard, the release of those expansions is likely to be delayed. So there will almost certainly not be a SC3 even in the works for 3-5 years. ANSWER_2:There_is_a_possibilty,_that_theres_going_to_be_a_starcraft_3_but,Its_most_likely_that_that_there_is_going_to_be_a_explansion_pact_like_said_before.In_the_pack_its_likely_to_be_the_same_as_starcraft_2_but_with_more_diffrent_units_fixed_bugs,and_better_graphics(Which_i'm_not_saying_SC2_has_bad_graphics).">ANSWER 2:There is a possibilty, that theres going to be a starcraft 3 but,Its most likely that that there is going to be a explansion pact like said before.In the pack its likely to be the same as starcraft 2 but with more diffrent units fixed bugs,and better graphics(Which I'm not saying SC2 has bad graphics.)So basically its going to be like Brood war a add on of starcraft.

What is your favorite race in Starcraft 2?

My favorite Race in Starcraft was the protoss, as they have good health and good damage and medium mobility. Only drawback is that their units build slower and are expensive to produce. Starcraft TWO i cannot be sure, as they are upgrading all of the races. But im probably goona stick with my usual rankings. (Protoss first, Zerg second, terran last.)

On Starcraft There is this hack and this guy got both terran and protos where can you download this hack?

He probably used a dark archon to mind control terran units. If he mind controlled a scv, he could also build terran buildings/units.

When is Starcraft 2 the game coming out and what improvements have they made to the protoss?

No release date for Starcraft 2 at this time, altho the beta is expected to run for 3-5 months. one of the improvements include: a recharging skill in the Nexus which allows you to build units or research upgrades faster (lasts 20 seconds).